Titanic Unsinkable by Gordan Korman | Teen Ink

Titanic Unsinkable by Gordan Korman

January 28, 2013
By Christian Curry BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Christian Curry BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Titanic “Unsinkable”
Author: Gordan Korman

Titanic “Unsinkable” is the first book of the series and it mainly talks about what the ship looks like. Titanic sets sail from Southampton, England on her maiden voyage on April 10, 1912. We all know that the Titanic was a huge passenger ship that was supposed to be “unsinkable” but did indeed sink on April 14, 1912.
The Titanic was about as long as the Empire State building is tall. Originally the Titanic’s design only included three funnels or smokestacks. The funnel towards the stern was added to make the Titanic look more impressive. It gave the feeling of “power and grace” said Captain E. J. Smith. No one ever claimed that the Titanic was “unsinkable”. The quote “practically unsinkable” was taken out of context. People said that when the watertight doors were closed the ship would be “practically unsinkable”. It was customary to break a bottle of champagne on the bow of a boat when launched out to sea. The Titanic launching did not have the traditional bottle breaking. Maybe the Titanic was cursed because it wasn’t blessed out to sea.

The Titanic had four elevators (3 in First class and 1 in Second class). At the time, Titanic’s whistles were the largest ever made. They could be heard from a distance of 11 miles away. The Titanic carried 900 tons of baggage and freight. It used 825 tons of coal per day and had a total of 162 fireboxes that were15 feet high. That is what it took to propel the Titanic. It took over 150 stokers to keep the boilers going. The Titanic carried 20 lifeboats and 3560 life jackets. The life jackets were made of canvas and cork.
Titanic “unsinkable” series one also talks about 4 teenagers and their lives on board the Titanic. Paddy Burns is a 14 year old pocket picker who is from the slums of Belfast and he accidentally stowed away in some cargo while hiding from gangsters. Alfie Huggins is a 15 year old son of a coal stoker on the ship and he lies about his age so he can work on the ship as a steward. Juliana Glamm is the daughter of the 17th Earl of Glamford whom she is embarrassed of because he is often drunk and wastes money on gambling. Sophie Bronson is a 15 year old daughter of a famous suffragette who was thrown out of England and now they have to return back to America.
The four teenagers don’t know each other but they are thrown together by things that happen on the ship. Alfie helps Paddy so that nobody finds out that he is too young to work on the ship. They learn that there may be a murderer on the ship known as the infamous, “Jack the Ripper”. Juliana and Sophie thought their biggest problems were dealing with the embarrassment of their parents but are now hiding the secrets too.

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