Finding Jack by Gareth Crocker | Teen Ink

Finding Jack by Gareth Crocker

January 31, 2013
By Anonymous

I was never really someone who was fully impressed with human kind. But this book really changed my perspective on it and restored my faith in humanity entirely. Gareth Crocker really shows how one person will put themselves through so much just to save another living being.

Fletcher Carson, the main character of Finding Jack, joins the war effort in Vietnam. Lost and lonely, he plans to die in the war. But after stumbling upon a yellow lab, who he later names Jack, Fletcher finds a reason to live.

Fletcher and Jack become a team, and they also become best friends. But at the end of the war, the U.S. government announces that all dogs serving in the war have been declared “surplus military equipment” and will not be transported home. Ordered to leave Jack, Fletcher refuses and stays abandoned in Vietnam. He then begins the journey of his life that will push him to all limits. There journey shows how two friends will go to the ends of the earth to save each other.

This book is fiction but based on real facts about the war. It’s not just a story of man saves dog, it’s a story of how dog saves man. It is a story of love and friendship, and proof that sometimes it really is dog that truly saves man.

I think that everyone who has a love for animals should read this book. It is kind of lengthy and there’s a lot of suspense but that just makes the book even better. Gareth Crocker is very descriptive and makes you feel like you’re there and you just want to find out what happens. I absolutely loved this book and give it 5 out of 5 starts. I 100% recommend it.

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