Summer Boys by Hailey Abbot | Teen Ink

Summer Boys by Hailey Abbot

January 31, 2013
By Anonymous

What girl doesn't want to read a book all about summer flings, and the ups and downs of being a teenage girl? Summer Boys by Hailey Abbot is a realistic Fiction novel all about four completely different girls who are all having problems with different boys. They are all related and their families go up to Pebble Beach Pennsylvania every summer.

Personally I am NOT the type of person to read for fun. I also procrastinate like crazy. But this book was a really quick read, with short chapters. It was an easy book to get into, I actually began to look forward to reading it every day.

A couple things that bothered me about this book was that every chapter as about a different character. Therefore, you would start reading about someone and once it got good, it would be the next chapter and I would be reading about someone else. I even found myself skipping chapters to see what would happen next. I would recommend this book to any teenage girl, whether you need a book for a book report in English class or if you are just looking for a good book to read, this book is great.

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