Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin | Teen Ink

Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

February 11, 2013
By joseph ingram BRONZE, Cincinatti, Ohio
joseph ingram BRONZE, Cincinatti, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Game of Thrones

The title of the book Game of Thrones says everything. There are many different strong houses in the seven kingdoms and they’re all fighting for power of the Iron Throne. They’ll do anything to get it. Whether it be murder, arson, king slaying, kin slaying, and betrayal, this book boasts every scandal of every soap opera that has ever aired. You never know what is going to happen next; it’ll keep you on your toes and biting your nails.

The book is told from nine different peoples’, points of view: Bran, Catelyn, Daenerys, Eddard. Jon, Arya, Tyrion, Sansa. Each of the characters has a different view and role in what’s happening in the book. Daenerys is the last of a long, powerful bloodline of Dragon Lords who had ruled the seven kingdoms till very recently. Eddard Stark is Warden of the North and he is part of the very old house, Stark. Then Tyrion is a Dwarf of the house Lannister who makes up for his small body with quick wit and wisdom beyond his years.
The story starts off a few years after the big war against the dragon lords where King Robert Baratheon killed off the last of them and took his seat as king. He dies in a mysterious boar hunting accident, but before doing so he elects Eddard Stark as his hand. When Eddard tries to figure out who killed him he is deemed a traitor and killed with his own sword. This results in Roberts’ son being crowned king and his mother as partial ruler of the kingdom.
With the death of the realms, most trusted men people are anxious and start to point fingers. Meanwhile, to the east in the Dothraki Plains, Daenerys just married a powerful horse lord which puts her in a position with a lot of power and men. With the death of her whole family on her mind, she swears to take back the iron throne for the Targaryen blood line even if it’s the last thing she does. Who will win the Iron Throne? I don’t know, but just remember- “When you play the game of thrones, you win or die. There is no middle ground.”
The Game of Thrones kicks off the Song of Ice and Fire series so well. It has to be my favorite book of all time. I would recommend this book for an older teenager who doesn’t just read fantasy books for the bloody battles but for the awesome twisting plot and the ever deadly court game. One of my favorite things about this book is the court scenes and the castle scenes because you have no idea who’s on whose side.


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on Jul. 23 2014 at 8:13 am
Arwen0 PLATINUM, Melbourne, Other
31 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
'If you live till your a hundred, then I hope I live till I'm a hundred minus one day. That way, I'll never have to live without you.' Winnie the Pooh to Piglet.

Game of Thrones has to be my favourite book of all time, I love how fleshed out the characters are.