Sucks to be me by Kimberly Pauley | Teen Ink

Sucks to be me by Kimberly Pauley

February 22, 2013
By Anonymous

Wow! Sucks to be me is the best vampire novel I have ever read. It was a fantastic page turner. I loved how the book had very awkward but romantic parts because Mina gets kissed but from the wrong guy that she suspected she would fall in love with. Mina is forced by the vampire council to choose between being a vampire or not. But she is also being pressured by who she will stay with... her family or friends?
16 year old Mina goes through her whole high school experience of learning about vampirism ever since she had vampire lessons. Mina tries to find someone to take her to prom but, who will be her date? Who will be her true love Aubrey the guy she thinks is gay or Nathan the guy that has a crush on her best friend or George the guy that she thinks is the best kisser out of all of them. Who is her true love… will it be Nathan, George or Aubrey?
But this book is not dramatic but except for the part when Raven got jealous that Aubrey asked her out. She had a crush on Aubrey anyway, but throughout the whole date Aubrey was asking questions about her parents and that was all he talked about. So it wasn’t actually a date so I don’t know why Raven got so jealous. But anyway like I told you it’s not as dramatic as twilight. I guarantee that if you read this book you will love it. But Mina learns that it doesn’t matter about who she is with but who loves her and cares about her.
I would give this book 5 stars because how Kimberly Pauley made Sucks to be me an amazingly adventures book. I would recommend this book for fast readers and kids that love vampires. I didn’t want to read it at first but my friend recommended it so I read it anyway. I started reading that day but I couldn’t stop reading it but I finally stopped reading it when I got to chapter 10.I would also recommend the sequel “Still Sucks To Be Me”.

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