the 3 muskuteers by alexandre dumas | Teen Ink

the 3 muskuteers by alexandre dumas

April 6, 2013
By Anonymous

Book Review of
The Three Musketeers
This book is about a story that takes place in France in the 1600s. At that time, France had many judicial systems. The Cardinal’s guards and the King’s guards were enemies even though the King did not despise the Cardinal. The main character in this story is d’Artagnan who by his early twenties left his parents in Meung to join the musketeers or the King’s guards in Paris. After proving himself worthy to Monsieur Treville, the Captain of the Musketeers he joins the King’scompany of guards under Monsieur des Essarts. He makes friends with Athos,Porthos and Aramis or the Three Musketeers. In the future, he hopes that he can befine musketeers like them.One day, d’Artagnan rescued a lady named Madame Bonacieux from theCardinal’s guards and prevented the secret of the Queen’s love towards the Duke of Buckingham to be exposed. As d’Artagnan did this, Milady, one of the Cardinal’sagents wanted to kill him. D’Artagnan tricked her and she became livid. She helpedthe Cardinal murder the Duke of Buckingham and poisoned the woman d’Artagnanloved, Madame Bonacieux. To avenge her death, d’Artagnan along with the ThreeMusketeers captures Milady and sentenced her to death. In the end, d’Artagnanbecomes a Lieutenant of the Musketeers and they lived happily ever after.
Personal Recount
I enjoyed reading this book because the story of the Three Musketeers wasnot what I assumed it to be. I thought the Three Musketeers were law enforcers who

would catch criminals and put them behind bars but on the contrary, some of themusketeers are very ill-disciplined and are put behind bars by the Cardinal’ guards. Iadmired the loyalty of the Three Musketeers toward d’Artagnan. They helped himcapture the evil Milady even when their lives where at danger.My favourite character in this book is d’Artagnan. He left home with 11 crownsa horse and a few words of advice from his father and became the lieutenant of musketeers and became rich. In the first part of the book when he was almostpenniless, Monsieur Treville wanted to lend him some money. He refused the offer and said “ I came to Paris myself with four crowns in my pocket and I would haveslaughtered anyone who dared say that I was not rich enough to buy the Louvre”. Iadmire his behaviour as a gentleman but the only thing that I dislike about him is hisego. When somebody makes a joke about him, he wants to sette the matter with aduel. Besides that he has a good heart and would serve the King until the day hedies.Even though I enjoyed reading the book, I want to make a few changes in thebook. The first change I would make is to make the character of Milady not so evil.There are sometimes that I wished she would die a horrible death in the book. The next thing I would like to change is the musketeers’ behaviour. Even though themusketeers are highly valued in Paris, they are too proud. Whenever there is a slightproblem, they resolve the problem with a duel. The final thing that I would like tochange in the book is that d’Artagnan marries Madame Bonacieux in the end.D’Artagnan has gone through a lot to try to save Madame Bonacieux but she dies inthe last moment because she was poisoned. I believe d’Artagnan deserves to marryMadame Bonacieux and they would live happily ever after.I think that the moral of this story is good always triumphs. After ruiningd’Artagnan’s life Milady escaped and leaved no traces behind. She through her good

luck managed to kill Madame Bonacieux. However, the Three Musketeers andd’Artagnan managed to capture her and kill her


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Maldivian said...
on May. 31 2013 at 12:02 am
Maldivian, Fuvahmulak, New York
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