Paper Towns by John Green | Teen Ink

Paper Towns by John Green

May 3, 2013
By HeatherHuennekens BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
HeatherHuennekens BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This story was written by award winning author, John Green. This book has won the Edgar Award. This Award is given to the best book that exemplifies mystery. This book received this award in 2009.

Paper Towns is a fiction book focused on the loved and childhood relationship of two neighbors. Quentin has been in love with Margo, his neighbor, for as long as he can remember; so when one night when Margo crawls through his window to pull an all-nighter pulling pranks with her, Quentin happily obliges. While Quentin is on cloud nine from the night before, he walks in to school and discovers his love of his life is missing. The next couple months Quentin spends all his time searching for clues to find Margo. He goes on a wild goose chase with his friends, as well as Margo’s friends, to figure out where she is. They undergo many obstacles along the way in hopes of finding her. Quentin even figures out Margo was way different that he had made her out to be. She’s not like the popular girl he saw her to be; in fact she was kind of like him, the nerdy band geek. .

John Green does an amazing job keeping you intrigued in this book. Each page you turn draws you in more and more. It is definitely a very easy read. I had no prior knowledge before reading this book on the style of John Green’s writing; however after this I can easily say he is without a doubt my favorite author. He makes sure that as a reader you will never be confused. While reading you may even find yourself trying to figure out the clues with Quentin that Margo left. However, do not think that these clues are straight forward and easy to figure out, there will definitely be a twist; which is why this book is so entertaining. Although the clues that are given may not be direct and to the point, the novel as a whole is very clear cut. I had no questions at all about the plot while reading the book.

This book takes place in modern-day Orlando, Florida. Although this is a fiction novel, I do not see much fiction in it. This story could very well happen in today’s society. I do not know one person that would go to the ends of the world to find someone they love and make sure they are not hurt. Also, this book does not exactly have a “happy ending,” which I feel is extremely important to realize because life itself is not always a happy ending. Also, while they are trying to find Margo there are many obstacles in the way. This is also just like life many things stand in the way of a goal.

Overall, this book is very clear, concise, and very relatable. Anyone who is interested in a good plot with a little mystery should definitely read this book!

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