The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer | Teen Ink

The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer

May 3, 2013
By BlanchRanch BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
BlanchRanch BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book I am reviewing is the House of the Scorpion, written by Nancy Farmer. I will be going through three strong points of the book that made it really stick out to me while reading it. The first strength of the House of the Scorpion is clarity throughout the entire novel. This is shown before the story even begins, with a list of all of the characters who appear in the book and how they are all connected to each other. This is very helpful because the main family in the book has over eighty members and while reading when a new character comes up the reader can go to the front of the book and look up him or her and see exactly how that character fits into the story. The House of the Scorpion is an easy read no because it is an easy to grasp concept but rather because the writing is so clear and concise it leaves no room for confusion. The second strength is an escape from realism. This book transports you to a futuristic world that is filled with technology that is unimaginable and an adventure for the ages. When reading this, the reader is enraptured within the plot because it is both a struggle that can be related to and a society that does not exist therefore sparking curiosity that takes the reader to this fictional land where the problems of their reality do not exist. The third and final strength of the House of the Scorpion is the artistry of the authors writing style, passion and word choice. Nancy Farmer’s style of writing allows her to paint a picture of a world that doesn’t even exist in every reader’s mind. What makes this unique is how vivid the picture is and this come from her passion for writing. The world choice of this book is absolutely incredible and helps to show the reader every detail within the plot. The darker moments in the book are more intensely described making the reader feel each characters pain, struggle and betrayal throughout the book. This is something very rare in books to see an author who can not only create this futuristic world and put it on paper but to actually be able to show the readers what she sees. Overall I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants a riveting adventure that will rip them away from reality and bring them to a world full of danger and excitement.


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