Leverage by Joshua C. Cohen | Teen Ink

Leverage by Joshua C. Cohen

May 3, 2013
By uscduck BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
uscduck BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Author Joshua C. Cohen’s Leverage is a book that can complete change the way you view the world around you. A story about two young men that try to make what is right of a horrific situation grabs and pulls at every emotion the reader has. In his first book, Cohen portrays a story that will test your inner morals, and place images in your head that can terrify you for days. The Author’s literary artistry and reflection of real life situations make for an instant classic for many teen readers.

Throughout the book the author paints vivid images in the readers mind. Some people might even say too vivid. In the book, the author depicts very detailed and grotesque scenes of typical teen life. These scenes are just the harsh truths of an average teenager. Scenes that depict things like drinking and other sexual acts leave the reader with a lot to evaluate. Some may think these scenes are irrelevant to the book. But I ask you this, in real life do problems like drinking and driving seem irrelevant to you? The Author uses these real life issues to relate to the reader. He tries to put the reader into these situations to add to the drama of the story. Though this book is graphic, the artistry Cohen uses places the reader in these real life situations enabling the mind to feel what the characters are feeling.

In this story, Cohen puts an emphasis on real life issues. His main point he touches on is the severity of bullying. Placing this story in a High School setting is perfect for this theme. Teen bullying in High School is a very real thing. Cohen uses a common real life situation to get his point across about teen bullying. This story raises awareness of the rising problem in America. In most High Schools, teens are bullying each other constantly. In his story, Cohen does a good job of keeping the story interesting while also addressing common issues in our society. Another issue touched on in this story is peer pressure. Many peer pressures like drinking and steroid use are brought up in this story. The author gives the reader in depth insight of real world issues, and portrays teen life in an accurate way.

In conclusion I recommend this book to everyone. Though gruesome at parts, there are still essential aspects of this story that make it great. Leverage is a story that will keep you going all the way through. For sports junkies like me, it will take you back to your high school football days, and have you remember what it’s like to have that do anything to win mentality. Leverage is an overall great story, and will leave you feeling safe about the good in the world.

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