The unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin | Teen Ink

The unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

May 14, 2013
By prettynino14 BRONZE, East Orange, New Jersey
prettynino14 BRONZE, East Orange, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Live your life the way you want to and let the haters hate because they will make you go higher.

This was one of the most intriguing book I have ever read. The book had plenty of emotions, twists and turns that keeps you engrossed throughout the whole story. The book is mostly about a girl named Mara who has abilities that she can not control nor knows how she does it. In an accident a few months back she lost three of her best friends to an accident she could not remember. Though she was the only one who survived, she kept seeing her friends' spirits. She did not know why she was the only that survived the accident...but if you read the book you'll figure it out.

Months has passed after the accident and she and her family decided to start a new life in Florida. She meets this boy named Noah (Who I could totally picture as a totally hot British dude) who she falls in love with. The story is mostly paranormal but is full of Hamartia. It's full of pain, sadness, but also full of laughter. The story is definitely one of my top ten books. I think Michelle did a fantastic job at describing the characters' emotions. Although I did not like some of the characters I would recommend this book to anyone who is up for a thriller/horror/romance book.

The author's comments:
The image is not the real cover for the book


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