Life After Theft by Aprilynne Pike | Teen Ink

Life After Theft by Aprilynne Pike

June 14, 2013
By sasha1996 GOLD, Geneva New York, New York
sasha1996 GOLD, Geneva New York, New York
13 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
if you think you can you can and if you think you cant you cant.

Title: Life After Theft
Author: Aprilynne Pike
Publisher: Harper Teen
Publish Date: May 30, 2013
Rating: 4.5/5
In A Nutshell: A great story that everyone should read with an awesome plot and great characters.

I got this book at the very beginning of May and I haven’t had much time to read. Once I started and got into it I didn’t want to put it down. I have to admit that it is a little difficult to get into. For the first few pages nothing much happens, just Jeff in denial.

I went into reading it and expecting it to be narrated by a girl not a guy so that was a bit of a shocker. I haven’t read many contemporaryish books written from a boys point of view but it was written really well and I was still able to enjoy it without being on another planet and not knowing where he was coming from. I realized that he was a boy pretty early on so it wasn’t too confusing. Just for the first paragraph or so.

The main character Jeff was a likable character who gets involved in something he wishes that he didn’t. I love reading from his p.o.v and I think that Aprilynne did a great job with his personality and everything. Kimberlee really annoys me but she’s absolutely necessary to the story. Her Kleptomaniac ways cause Jeff’s whole problem. What she did to Sera was ridiculous and she is such a tantrum thrower and whiny person. The relationship that Sera and her brother share is adorable. I wish that I had that kind of relationship with my brother. I cant tell you his name because it would give some of it away. Sera is a likable girl too. Her and Jeff make a cute couple.

I enjoyed the plot too. It is something that I haven’t seen done too much in books. It was definitely refreshing form the vampires, werewolves and such. It wasn’t like super unexpected but it wasn’t too expected either.

Even though this is a fun book I think there are a lot of things that teens struggle with that are explored in this book and even though I didn’t like Kimberlee’s personality much through most of the book I like how she’s the one that learns the most and is able to move on.


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