The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

June 18, 2013
By Caroline Albanese SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
Caroline Albanese SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
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The Fault in Our Stars by John Green is an emotional and inspiring book about Augustus Waters and Hazel Grace, two patients who are trying to overcome cancer. This book is not about their battle or their courage. This book is deep and realistic, which is why it's a great read. This book is not for those who have a weak heart or don't like to show their emotions. This book will have you laugh and cry in a matter of a chapter. You cannot put the book down because you can't stop reading as Hazel and Augustus fall in love and try to spend as much time together as they can. This book is perfect for a young adult because of the rich word choice and the well-developed plot. The Fault in Our Stars is a must read that will leave you wanting to read more.

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