Theodore Boone: The Accused by John Grisham | Teen Ink

Theodore Boone: The Accused by John Grisham

June 23, 2013
By EmilyV BRONZE, Doha, Arkansas
EmilyV BRONZE, Doha, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.

Were you ever accused of something you didn’t do at school or at home when your siblings blame you? The evidence is all pointing to you and time is running out. TICK-TOCK-TICK-TOCK… What do you do? You find the culprit even if your dream is on the line. You won’t put this book down! You can’t let it out of your sight! Even when you're eating at the dinner table you will try to read it. Theodore Boone: The Accused is final book of the series by John Grisham. It all comes down to this. Is the main character the great Theodore Boone, innocent or guilty?

Theodore Boone’s parents are both professional lawyers. His mother’s job involves the messy business of parents splitting up. Very often the lives of other children are affected by Mrs. Boone’s job. Theo finds out that having a divorce lawyer for a mother may end up ruining his life. His bike wheel is slashed; a rock is thrown through the window of his office, that is just near the courtroom, and someone has burglarized his locker at his school. What is happening?!

Whilst Theo finds himself simultaneously a victim and “the accused” most people are focusing on him. While the killer, Pete Duffy has run away from his last and final trial, shocking everyone! Theodore finds himself framed, and wrongly accused. He is desperate to prove his innocence; Theo realizes he needs his Uncle Ike’s wisdom and expertise. In this case, Ike’s brain and Theodore’s legal skills are crucial if our protagonist is going to catch the culprit.
John Grisham’s exciting series would “appeal” to those who desire intrigue with fast paced legal thrills and mystery. If you prefer to be on your edge of your seat, wondering what happens next while holding your breath until the final verdict falls, then this is the book for you. As Theodore himself states “Where else would I be going at this moment, at the beginning of the biggest murder trial in the history of our county?” John Grisham’s series will blow your mind, as you leap around searching for answers. If this sounds like the book for you, read Theodore Boone: The Accused.

The author's comments:
This piece was an English assignment at my school. I worked really hard to be able to persuade people the read my book! I got an A! So I just wanted to share this piece with you. The thing that inspired me was reading others works and seeing how much fun it is to write a piece like that!

I hope that people will read the book I wrote about but not just that I also hope they enjoy it like I did.


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on May. 6 2015 at 7:37 am
Live4jc PLATINUM, Pensacola, Florida
21 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
That man is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose-Jim Elliot

Hmm, sounds interesting. Maybe I'll check it out next time I get a chance to visit the bookstore...