The Giver by Lois Lowry | Teen Ink

The Giver by Lois Lowry MAG

August 21, 2013
By NatalieZhu SILVER, New York, New York
NatalieZhu SILVER, New York, New York
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Can you live without colors? Can you survive without making a single choice? If you answered no to these questions, Jonas's community would ­surely shock you. The Giver by Lois Lowry is a suspenseful science-fiction novel about a futuristic society that seems to have everything under control. When the protagonist, Jonas, becomes the keeper of his neighborhood's suppressed memories, he pays a steep price for social stability.

In The Giver, 12-year-old Jonas becomes the new ­Receiver of Memory, which means he's in charge of “keeping” and “receiving” the hidden dark secrets about his supposedly utopian city.

There is no war, pain, love, or choice in this society. Everyone is the same. Although it may seem that this could create true peace and a well-organized community, in reality, everyone in the neighborhood makes a sacrifice. As Jonas learns the dreadful revelations about his beloved hometown, he makes a choice that will change his life forever.

Lowry brings the characters to life by giving them strong personality traits. For example, Jonas is intelligent and perceptive. During conversations with his instructor, the Giver, he is curious and always asks questions about the memories he receives. Lowry's word choices allow readers to fully picture Jonas.

The Giver is responsible for training Jonas to become the new Receiver of Memory. He truly cares about his community, despite what they did to him. He is shown to have a lot of wisdom and knowledge by using the memories he ­possesses.

This book isn't like stereotypical science-fiction novels. Despite the futuristic setting, it isn't about outer space and aliens. It conveys a deeper meaning, which really grabs readers' attention, especially teenagers'.

The Giver not only won the Newbery Medal, but it has also sold more than five million copies worldwide. This book filled me with emotions from anxiety to joy. Be prepared to get sucked into this futuristic society.


This article has 1 comment.

Rosalina said...
on Jan. 21 2018 at 7:15 pm
I think the giver is such a wonderful story and movie

on Jul. 22 2015 at 8:41 pm
SomeoneMagical PLATINUM, Durham, New Hampshire
22 articles 1 photo 259 comments
Nice review. In my opinion, I loved this book a lot and you did an excellent job on the reivew. ( I liked how you started off with questions. Sucked me right into the review and if I hadn't already read the book, I'd certainly want to read it now. :)