Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

September 6, 2013
By Anonymous

The book Divergent was written by Veronica Roth. Roth is also responsible for writing Divergent sequel Insurgent. This young writer was basically famous over night as a lot of young readers around the world were excited to get their hands on Divergent. Roth is creative and knows interesting subjects for everyone. She adds in twists and turns you would never expect and surprises and thrills like never before.

Divergent is a story about Beatrice Prior who has recently turned sixteen and lives in the setting of a dystopian Chicago. In this futuristic there are five factions that it is divided by. The five factions all represent something and all have a part they must take. Dauntless the brave, Erudite the intelligent, Amity the peaceful, Candor the honest, and Abnegation the selfless. Beatrice, who you will later get to know as Tris, is an Abnegation faction member has spent all her life giving to the community and helping others. Now that she is sixteen she must take a faction test to decide what faction’s she is eligible for. However, she comes out with a most unexpected result. Then, comes the choosing ceremony where every faction is joined together and must choose what faction they will go to or if they will stay with their former faction and represent it to their elders. What will Beatrice choose? How will this affect her future?

To me the theme of Divergent is to never give up no matter what obstacles stand in your way. Beatrice learns to overcome challenges and to steer away all of the negativities. She must think fast and clever and she must remain strong. Beatrice wonders what friends she will meet along the way and what will come of the people she meets. Veronica Roth has made this book exciting in ways I’ve never seen an author use before.

My opinion of Divergent is that it is a book for everyone. It has many thrills that will keep you up all night reading. There are twists and turns as, Beatrice learns who to trust and who to push away. I think Roth has figured out a way to include things that young riders are interested in. I think that if you just read the book that everyone will find something they are interested in. After Divergent comes Insurgent another must read and then Allegiance. Everyone must read!

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