How to rock: Make ups and Break ups by Meg Haston | Teen Ink

How to rock: Make ups and Break ups by Meg Haston

October 3, 2013
By Anonymous

How to Rock: Break-Ups and Makeups

I really did like this book it had some drama that people can relate to. It really does help if something in your life goes bad by getting some sort of advice out of it.

Throughout your life you may go through some break ups and make ups. In this story there are some make ups that may change some people. Kacey Simon, a seventh grader, has trouble choosing her “friend” or a guy that she likes. Her friend is a mean popular girl that doesn’t really want to be seemed with her, named Molly Knight. Kacey is a part of a band called Gravity Five. She decided that she wanted to be back in the bad after an incident. A girl that Kacey doesn’t like comes back into town because her dad has work that needs to be done. Kacey doesn’t like Stevie Andrews so much because of a guy. Zander Jarvis is in the band, he has planned to ask Kacey back in the band.
But since Stevie is back in town she may want to get back together with Zander, or Kacey thinks. I read that parents get involved and certain parents go on a date. The two teenagers are angry and try to break the relationship. Also, Kacey gets Stevie in trouble on a class fieldtrip but then confesses that she blamed it on her. She lies to people and Zander figures it out and he tells her “And don’t except me onstage for the rest of the night.” But will her friends forgive her; also will she become friends with Stevie? Well not to spoil it but the answer is yes.

Kacey Simon is a seventh grade who was at the top of most popular to the friendless loser. Just because she had braces, glasses, and talked with a lisp. But within a short amount of time she changes that to how she looked before, she got contacts and a retainer that she can wear at night. Kacey has a chance to rejoin her old band Gravity Five, so she talked to her friend Zander; she has a bit of a crush on him. She is now still on top but goes through some ups and downs then back to the top.

This story takes place in Chicago at Marquette Middle School. The story is set in the present, they are in seventh grade.

I would say that the genre is fiction. It’s a story about real people but the events haven’t happened to these people.

I liked how the author put drama in it when Kacey lied about her friend having a disease and having a famous guy come and sing. Also, when they added a sort of twist where Kacey’s mom went out with Stevie’s dad. I was wondering why the two girls would get upset over their parents dating. I mean I would have to put up with who every there kids are to make my mom or dad happy. But they just made a plan to keep them apart and in the end they figured out how to get them back together. This book was pretty good, but since I didn’t read the first one I’m not fully sure on what happened before this, like when Molly and Zander were dating. Plus, even though Kacey doesn’t like Stevie she can at least put up with her until her dad is done with busy work there. She didn’t have to try and ruin someone’s visit just because it’s someone that she doesn’t like.

This book is perfect for teenage girls because they can relate to having braces, wearing glasses or being the most popular. Also the “Girl Code” which is something that some best friends have just so that it doesn’t create drama. The “Girl Code” is a group of rules that certain girls have so that their friendship doesn’t get ruin about some boy.

I really suggests that teens, specifically girls, read this book. Since we can really relate to some things in here and some people may have seen the show. The show is different from this book. This book talks about then dating at about the age of twelve to thirteen and the show is about them in high school about sixteen or so and they aren’t dating anyone. It had a great ending where everything went back into place.

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