The Fury and Dark Reunion (The Vampire Diaries #3-4) by L.J Smith | Teen Ink

The Fury and Dark Reunion (The Vampire Diaries #3-4) by L.J Smith

October 21, 2013
By kkenb BRONZE, Minneapolis, Minnesota
kkenb BRONZE, Minneapolis, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Elena has become a vampire. The thing she used to fear yet desire. Stefan greatly struggles with this new reality. He is infuriated with his brother, Damon. Stefan believes that Damon was the one that changed Elena. However, Stefan soon realizes that his brother isn't his only enemy. This edition of the book includes both the 3rd and 4th installments of the series.
Before I started reading this series, I watched the TV show of the same name. That probably wasn't the best idea. 9 times out of ten I say books are better than movies/shows. However, in this case, I think the complete opposite. The books are very different from the show. Many of the characters are the same but they all have different relationships and personalities. There are some similarities between the plots, but, for the most part, they are pretty different. These two books are from the point of view of Bonnie (one of the main characters). I personally don't like reading books that are written in the first person because I find them cheesy. These books were no exception. I felt like many parts of the story were very tacky. At times I felt as though L.J Smith got tired and decided to rush through some parts. Things just tended to happen too fast. I also didn't think the characters had much emotion to them. It was hard for me to connect with them. The choice of words were also poor. It reminded me of an older version of Twilight. That being said, I did like the plot. I liked all the twists and turns that occurred. This story has a lot of potential to be better. The author just needs to step it up a notch.


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