lupita manana by patricia beatty | Teen Ink

lupita manana by patricia beatty

October 25, 2013
By weliveforum2 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
weliveforum2 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lupita Manana Review
The book lupita manana was about two teenage youths that are brother and sister, lupita and Salvador. lupita, Salvador and there mom get put into a terrible situation , there dad dies in a boat accident . There mom tells them they have to go to Indio California and live with there Aunt Consuelo and try to find work. On there journey they encounter robbers, la migra and lots of crazy characters.

This book was very unrealistic because there were things that didn’t seem plausible. There was this one part where they hid in a hopper car and the la migra checked every cart but not the one that lupita and Salvador were in. That’s when I started to realize how unrealistic this book was. Through out every part I could practically guess what was going to happen next.

If I were you I wouldn’t waist my time with this book but it is a good piece of literature for young readers. But for ages thirteen and up it might be a boring book to read. Altogether this book was boring, rubbish and a waist of my time.

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