Sula by Toni Morrison | Teen Ink

Sula by Toni Morrison

October 25, 2013
By Anonymous


Sula a book by Toni Morrison took place in Ohio at a place called the Bottom. In the Bottom, a all black neighborhood, where Sula and Nel grow up. Sula and Nel have very different backgrounds. Sula lives with Eva ,her grandmother, and Hannah ,her mom, both of these women are known as the loose women of the Bottom; they don’t have a good reputation. Sula also lives with other three adopted boys. In the other hand, Nel comes from a stable home and has high expectations. Nel’s mother doesn't like Sula because of her mom’s reputation.They don’t only have different backgrounds they also have very different personalities. Sula is more aggressive and crazy and Nel is more quiet and shy. Their different personalities causes conflict between each other but they protect each other. Despite all the differences they have, they are very close to each other and no matter what they are still friends.

In their childhood something very tragic happens which makes their personalities collide and taking their childhood away. This tragedy makes the two girls drive apart from each other. Nel gets married after high school and has kids with her husband. Sula leaves right after Nel gets married and has different experiences almost becoming like her mother and her grandmother; she doesn’t come back to the Bottom after ten years. When Sula came back she wow all her neighbors with her new look. Sula is pointed out by everyone at the Bottom as truly evil but all of that didn’t matter to her. Sula and Nel get closer like back when they were little kids. Later on they got driven away from each other again because Sula betrayed Nel and their friendship. After three years Sula gets very ill and Nel decides to visit her. This causes everyone to reflect on their lives and the tragedies especially Nel.
This book is phenomenal it had me sucked in to the book. Reading the story of this two best friends and see them grow up and take different path made me reflect how much someone’s life can change. Honestly, I recommend this book to everyone. Some scenes would leave you without any breath and surprised. At the end it made me look back in to my life because someone can a hold a grudge for so long and regret it when it is too late. Many people say, “there are no true friends… They will eventually grow up and take a different path as you.” Well, in this book it was completely different Sula and Nel were friends until the end. They had their ups and downs but at the end they were still together. I also saw how someone’s mom or family can influence your future and your personality. What happened to Sula as a child and the conditions she had to grow up in made me feel pidy for her. It is really hard to imagine how your own mother doesn't love you.

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