A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hossieni | Teen Ink

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hossieni

October 30, 2013
By Anonymous

Woman That Stand up For Justice

" Learn this and learn this well my daughter : Like a compass needle that always points north . A man’s accusing finger will always find a woman”( Hosseini, 7). A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini takes place in Kabul, Afghanistan in 1960. The book follows two women, Mariam and Laila, for nearly thirty years. Both Mariam and Laila share the same husband who is more than thirty years older than them. Mariam and Laila, as wives of the same husband, at first think of each other as enemies. As the book continues,both irritate each other until Laila has a kid and Mariam takes care of him as her own child which impresses Laila. The characters’ personalities a bit after Laila has her own child, for at first Mariam never wanted to share her husband, and she thought Laila was taking their husband away from both of them. But Laila never liked her husband and never approved him as a husband either.
Afghanistan's wars also played a major role in this book : It changed the culture, the lives of many Afghans, and character relationships. Laila’s parents and brothers dies, Laila’s secret lover, Tahil, moved with his family to Pakistan , and other Afghans were also displace.This had a heavily impacted the book because character lives change as the country changes itself with different rulers at that time.

This book covers many of the injustices women face in their daily lives. It explains how a young woman’s childhood is taken away when, at the age of fifteen she is married ,and sent with a husband that is at least thirty years older than her. Mariam who is a bastard or harami was raised by her mother. Society treated both woman with cruelty and unfairness, Mariam, who also had a father ,Jalil , comes to visit her but doesn’t stay for more than a few hours. Jalil always lied to Mariam and treated her like an outsider and used her innocence as an advantage. Jalil had many other things to take care of such as his five educated kids and his three wives. This example from the book shows how women got through so much and still wake up with a bright smile on their face.

This book brought me into tears! You think to yourself ,as a reader, how can one woman go through all this ? I would have run away. Mariam spent twenty- seven years of her life with this one man who never gave her happiness. On the contrary, he beat her, he choked her, he locked her up in an outhouse for days without food or water, and nearly killed her. This was a continuous cycle. It was so hard for me to flip to the next page , but at the same time it was also so addicting. I desperately wanted to know how these women would retaliate against the injustice. A Thousand Splendid Suns, taught me how to stand up and become a valiant woman, by moving on and not being afraid of what to say.You think to yourself , this book is fiction, but , in reality, a lot of women in the world are facing what Mariam and Laila faced. They’re going through what they went through.

This book had a heavier impact on me than The Mountains Echoed and The Kite Runner ,both by the same author. I am also a woman and I know that woman go through many more verbal, emotional, physical challenges than men do. This book went over the hardships that women face and demonstrated how to overcome them. It showed me that women ,are ,can be, and always will be more valiant than men!

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