The Red Pony by John Steinbeck | Teen Ink

The Red Pony by John Steinbeck

November 22, 2013
By Zachattack1510 BRONZE, Bluefield, West Virginia
Zachattack1510 BRONZE, Bluefield, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but and idea lives on"

-John F. Kennedy


I thought that The Red Pony was an amazing book. My favorite part about the book is how descriptive everything is. I did not like how lots of loose ends were not tied up at the end. Other then this I like most of the book. In a way someone died every part of the book. This is why I gave the story three out of five stars.
Description and summary of content

A ten year old boy named Jody is surprised with a pony one morning from his dad, Carl Tiflin and the work hand Billy Buck, during a breakfast that Jody’s mother, Ruth prepared. Jody named the horse Gabilan. Everything was fine till one day when he left Gabilan in the rain and he fell ill. Gabilan ends up dying and leaving Jody angry, mean, and sad.

As I stated before I feel this book has left to many loose ends at the end. Some of these are what happened to the new colt Jody has received or what happened to the family after grandfather left, who Jody came to be. Also as I stated earlier I loved how vivid John Steinbeck made everything. When he described how the buzzard lifted his beck with black eye fluid on it left me breathless. This is why I gave the book three out of five stars.

Over all this book was amazing. It didn’t really make any mistakes and it was well written by an amazing author. I hope to see what all of you think about my book review on The Red Pony.


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