Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card | Teen Ink

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

November 22, 2013
By Finna Christensen BRONZE, Kea‘au, Hawaii
Finna Christensen BRONZE, Kea‘au, Hawaii
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Ender’s game was an action packed movie with a different approach on aliens. I was surprised of how much of the book was left out from the movie. Not just little things but some important parts. The ending was MUCH different than everyone expected. Hopefully that ending part will be put into another movie. Some of the characters were different personality wise. Ender in the book was much younger. He was 6 when he was first introduced, in the movie he started off as age 13 or 14. The book had a lot more opportunities for Ender to show how smart he is. He got only a little to none in the movie to show his full intelligence. I imagined him to be a little bit meaner in the movie because in the book, the fights he had were described to be more gruesome. Peter was in the movie for less than five minutes, which was kind of disappointing, so I didn’t get to compare him in book and movie. In the book he was in many parts. Peter was meaner in the book because he abused Ender more. Valentine was also in the movie a lot less than expected. She was also older and more affectionate. I can’t really compare much because she wasn’t in the movie a great amount. Anderson surprised me because I thought it was going be a boy. Anderson was nicer and cared more about Ender’s feelings and mental state. Petra surprised me because I thought she was going to be a small but very strong little girl. She turned out to be an older girl who is smart and independent. I thought she would be kind of mean like she was in the book but she kind of liked Ender and helped him.

I felt that Asa Butterfield (Ender) fit this role perfectly. I imagined Ender to be exactly like him or similar to him. He acted the part very well and suited it. He is a great young actor and has some great movies. Aramis Knight (Bean) shocked me because I thought bean would be really little and wimpy. He did play the character Bean good though. He is a really young actor and I haven’t seen him in any other movies as far as I know. Hailee Steinfield (Petra) played her part well by being strong and independent. She is a very successful woman and has won many awards and played in several movies. Moises Arias (Bonzo) wasn’t really what I imagined. I thought Bonzo would be a chunkier boy that was taller. Moises was kind of shrimpy compared to what I imagined. He played the part with authority and attitude, which the role demanded. I haven’t seen Moises since Hannah Montana, which was a really long time ago.

I liked the book better because it had more detail. I still enjoyed the movie because it was fun seeing how they created/imagined it. The movie left out so much and it seemed like it was really rushed because they were already half way through the book after 15 minutes. The movie left out many battles and simulations from the book, which was surprising because I thought they would want to show his progress. What truly confused me was, they left out the whole Demosthenes and Locke part. That was several chapters in the book. I thought it would be in the movie because it seemed kind of important. I think they are going to use that in the next movie: Speaker for the Dead. I really enjoyed this book and movie. It was fun to read and I liked how we got to go as a class to the movies. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who hasn’t read it.


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