To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee | Teen Ink

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

January 8, 2014
By dylanh BRONZE, Elkins, West Virginia
dylanh BRONZE, Elkins, West Virginia
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What does it take to be a man? Well after reading the book To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee when I think of a man I think of Atticus Finch. Atticus is a real man because he puts his family first before anything. He also doesn’t just think about himself, and by that I mean he isn’t selfish. Another good reason is because he fights for what he believes in and is proud of who he is. There are many qualities in being a man, and I strongly feel that Atticus has all of those qualities.
Atticus is a real man because he puts his family first. That is seen a lot in the book. He looks after his family and keeps them safe and secure. Atticus doesn’t let work get in the way of his relationship with his children. He respects his kids and they respect him. His kids listen to what he says when he says it, but not out of fear it is out of respect. “It wasn’t until many years later that I realized he wanted me to hear every word he said”. (Lee 48). Atticus also doesn’t let what other people say about him affect his kid’s wellbeing. Atticus is a real good man and a real good father in my opinion. He takes good care of his family and would do anything for his children.
My second reason why Atticus is a real man is because he just doesn’t think about himself. What I am saying is that Atticus is not a selfish man. He would do everything he possibly could to help someone else. He always looks at the positive side of someone instead of the negative. “Mr. Cunningham’s basically a good man. He said he just has his blind spots with the rest of us.” (Lee 210). Atticus in the book displays himself as quite different from the rest of the southern people. For example, Atticus doesn’t get caught up in all the gossip and drama that happens in Maycomb. Atticus stands out among everyone else because he is a one of a kind man. He believes in what he wants to believe in not what the community wants him to believe in.
My third and final reason for Atticus Finch is a good man is because he fights for what he believes in and he is proud of whom he is. Atticus is the type of man that will stand up for what he believes in and is not ashamed of it. In the book, everyone in Maycomb looks down on the colored people and doesn’t believe in giving them a fair trial in court. Atticus represents Tom Robinson on a rape charge. It is obvious that he is innocent, but due to racism in the South he will be convicted no matter what. Atticus knows that this will be an impossible case to win but he doesn’t give up. He fights harder than anyone thought he would. In the book it talks about how long it took to convict Tom. “Ain’t it a long time? I asked him. Sure is scout. He said happily. Well, from the way you put it. It’d just take five minutes.” (Lee 281) Even though Tom is convicted, in the end they find out that that was a small step in fighting racism. Everyone gave Atticus a hard time for defending a colored man, but did he let that get in his way? No, he fought hard until the end. Not just because he was a lawyer, but because he was a good friend.
In conclusion, I strongly feel that Atticus is a good man because he does so much for his community and for his family. Atticus Finch was a successful and courageous man who did not believe in racism. He thought his family that equality always comes first. He taught me so much throughout the book, like how to make myself stronger, and to never give up, fight hard for the truth, and don’t ever lose your self-esteem to any negativity. Atticus Finch is a well-respected man in his community and a respected father in his home.

The author's comments:
This is what i feel it takes to be a man after reading To Kill A Mockingbird


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