Krondor the Betrayl | Teen Ink

Krondor the Betrayl

October 31, 2008
By Anonymous

I enjoyed this book, because I love sci fi, adventure, and action. There is always action, and a very interesting plot. I have not played the game Betrayal at Krondor, but that was fine. In some parts I got a little confused, but about ten pages later I would get it. I would recommend it to any teens as a challenge book, and most adults. Also, I would recommend it to people who love action.

In the beginning, there is village young adult, Owyn, a royal squire, Locklear, and a dark elf traiter, Gorath. They travel going from place to place, but on the way they get slowed down by assassins, trying to kill Gorath. They have to kill all the assassins, and go from place to place on a hunt that changes.

Farther in, unexplainable things start to happen. These characters must to put everything they have, into solving these small mysteries, in order to follow their quest. In this rich story, no one can be trusted. But, to follow their journey, they must put trust in the hands of strangers, slay innocent men, and follow their instinct.


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