Mira, Morror | Teen Ink

Mira, Morror

November 3, 2008
By Anonymous

Mira, Mirror by Mette Ivie Harrison is a pretty good book but, at times it can be a bit boring and slow pace. As you know snow white is a fairy tale and so is this book. If you like Snow White with a little twist you may enjoy this story. Mira, Mirror is three-hundred and fourteen pages long.

Ivana is an evil girl hidden behind a pretty face. Her plan is to become a queen, but since she is a witch, small towns don’t want their nonsense to be royalty.

Mira is the mirror who helps Ivana through her troubles. Mira is also a witch who does not think she is pretty at all. This started because of her mom. Mira’s mom gave her so many negative comments about her looks that Mira started to believe her. Being around Ivana did not help.

One thing I forgot to mention is that this book is a little bit gory. If you do not like gory things at all I think you would be fine because it is not that bad.

Mira, Mirror is just about Mira and Ivana meeting Merchant Minitz and Talia. In a town close to the forest. Secretly Ivana is leading Talia to back down from her road to become queen, so that she can become the head of the castle. Mira is Ivana’s side kick who can talk and see through a mirror. So watch out for your mirrors, One day they might start talking to you.

You would like this book if you like a twist on Snow White, a little taste of gory, and evil making their way to the top.

I give this book 3 stars


This article has 2 comments.

Dragon101 said...
on Nov. 7 2008 at 3:21 am
I made a typo in the title I put Mira, Morror it should be Mira, Mirror.

Dragon101 said...
on Nov. 7 2008 at 3:11 am
Hey guys I am the writer if this book review!!!!