A child called "it" by Dave Pelzer | Teen Ink

A child called "it" by Dave Pelzer

March 27, 2014
By Salma_mton BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Salma_mton BRONZE, Sacramento, California
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When I read a book I don’t really get sentimental but Dave Pelzer’s book A child called “it” touched me and made me realize that some people can be so evil and that kids can endure so much emotional and physical pain.
The book A child called “it” is based on a true story of Dave Pelzer’s horrifying life as a child. In the book David goes through unforgettable torture his alcoholic mother puts him through. Every day he had to play his crazy games so he could survive. Sometimes David’s mother wouldn’t even feed him and David was so hungry he would resort to stealing other kids lunches or ditching school and stealing from local stores. David’s father was against his mother treating him worse than a dog but he couldn’t do anything about it because she controlled him and she brain washed him. David’s house hold was unstable because both of his parents drank so much. He had nobody to go to, nobody he could trust. So he felt that he had to keep everything a secret so his mother wouldn’t beat him. Even though David was going through brutal beatings, chemical involving games, fasts and tricks that his mother would put him through he never gave up he had a great will to live.
I really like how the author writes this book because he makes you feel like you are there by giving a lot of descriptive details like when the author stated that David’s mother shoved a dirty diaper all over David’s face he described how it smelled and didn’t holding any details back. A child called “it” is an amazing book and it was the #1 National and International bestsellers celebrating more than six years on the New York Times bestsellers list.
I’m sure that this book will make you gasp and also appreciate everything you have like your mom and your family.


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