Hunger Games | Teen Ink

Hunger Games

April 2, 2014
By Anonymous

The Hunger Games is a book of a series. There are three books in the series. The first book is the Hunger Games so I recommend that you read that book first. The hunger games is a very interesting book. From the beginning of the book until the very last word you are on edge. The whole book has you questioning what is going to happen next ? If you like books that keep your attention then this is defiantly the book to read. Who wants to read a book about something extremely boring and nothing to catch your attention? I know I have had to suffer through reading a few books that don’t interest me at all, but I assure you that The Hunger Games will keep your attention and you will keep wanting more.

The Hunger Games is a great book. It is a fiction book with a lot of nonfiction characteristics. I recommend this book for anyone ages 12 and older. Fighting is involved in this book but nothing glory. This is one of my favorite books. There are millions of reasons I love The Hunger Games. This book is a very easy read. You will read it cover to cover in no time at all. It has amazing details and makes things seem real. Let me tell you what it is about now.

Katniss Everdeen is the main character. She lives in District 12, which is located in Panem. She has a very outstanding personality; her personality stood out to me right away. She takes care of her family, she lost her dad recently. She sneaks out to hunt with her best friend, Gale. They have an outrageously strict government. Throughout the book she battles with the government a lot. Katniss has a little sister, Prim. She takes very good care of Prim. She doesn’t have the best life; having to take care of her sister and mother at only the age of 16. Even though she has a rough home life she never complains.

Every year the government gets the people of their district together for the Hunger Games. The capital thinks the Hunger Games is awesome and so great, but really it’s a blood battle for your life. They get together and have one boy and one girl picked from a drawing that their names are put in every year without a choice. Whoever the boy and girl are have to go to the Games to fight for their life. Do you honestly think this sounds fun? No, I rather stay home and so what I please not be put out into an arena to either be killed or try and survive.

Once someone’s name is pulled they are forced to enter unless someone brave volunteers as tribute to take your place in the games. Now, you can probably imagine how often this happens. Not very often because who would sacrifice their own life for someone else? Not too many people are brave enough to do this. It would take someone tremendously brave to do such a thing. I don’t want to give away anything else so if you want to know more you will have to read it for yourself.

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