Ted and Me by Dan Gutman | Teen Ink

Ted and Me by Dan Gutman

April 8, 2014
By Tyler Compton BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Tyler Compton BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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If you are a big baseball fan then this book is for you. If you like sports just in general than you might like it. The author of Ted and Me is Dan Gutman. This book is very well written, I think that Dan Gutman is one of the best authors. The Main Character in the book is a little boy named Joe. Joe has a special power that only he has. The special power is when he picks up a baseball card he can travel back in time when that player on the card played.
I think the most important part is when the FBI came to Joe's house, and asked if Joe could use his special power, and go back in time to warn the president that the Japanese are coming and are going to bomb Pearl Harbor. I think that is the most important idea, because that is basically what the whole story is about. Also without this part the book would not be very good, because this part makes it interesting, and other than this part Joe is just traveling around looking at other players.
I think the second most important part is for Joe to not only warn the president,but for the president to prevent the bombing of Pearl Harbor from happening. I think that is the second most important idea, because what is the point of Joe going to warn the president about the bombing, it the president is not going to do anything about it. In the book when when Joe goes to Ted to tell the president about what is going to happen the president does not believe Joe. The president asked for proof, and Joe pulled out a Ted Williams baseball card. The president then believed Joe.
I think that when the US scared off the Japanese that was the third most important part. I think that because it was definitely one of the main ideas, and what I put in the first, and second standard lead up to this. What the US did to scare off the Japanese was they went into the ocean and headed to Japan, and when the Japanese saw them they started shooting, and then US started shooting, and it turned into a battle.
Those are what I think are the main ideas, and the most important things that happened in the book. What ends up happening is everything turns out as planned, and Joe goes back to his thing of going back in time to see the great players play.

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