Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

April 17, 2014
By smo39 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
smo39 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I first started the book I was really confused by all of the details.In the first chapter I was not getting into it and I was going to quit reading it,but then I got to the 2nd chapter and it picked up a little bit and by the 5th chapter I was hooked.I started to read it a lot and thought that it was one of the best books that I have ever read.

The author knew that a lot of people would like the book so she made it a trilogy.The other books in the series are Divergent, which is the first book, and then Insurgent, which is the second one, and Allegiant,the third one.

The book is about this girl named Beatrice that is about to go to this place where you go to see what you do in your life.When she goes she finds out something that could get her killed it called divergent.Divergent means that you can control your fears.It is highly dangerous she could get killed for being divergent.She has to hide to avoid being killed by the main people.She goes and hides.She is getting trained to fight against the main bad people and one guy finds out about her.If you want to find out the rest you have to read the book.

I cant wait to read the second one and I hope that the second one is just as good as the first one.My overall opinion on the book is that it is like the best one that I have read in a long time i’ve and never gotten into one book this much.


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