Looking For Alaska by John Green | Teen Ink

Looking For Alaska by John Green

May 1, 2014
By madisonmanna BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
madisonmanna BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
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Searching For A Great Perhaps

Looking For Alaska, by John Green, is an attention catching book. John Green is a well-known author who is known for writing addicting stories. His stories are about events that are real and happen in everyday life. These stories, being so relatable, draw in the readers and make them want to know what is going to happen next.
Looking For Alaska is broken up into two sections; before and after. Before counts down the days until the after section begins, then the sections begin to count up. This story about a soon to be junior in high school, Miles Halter, who is leaving his home in Florida to attend Culver Creek Boarding School in Alabama. In Florida, Miles did not have actual friends and he was excited for a new beginning. Within his first days at the new school, he meets his roommate and soon to be best friend, Chip “the Colonel” Martin, and Alaska Young who he falls in love with. These three have numerous stories, pranks, and memories that they share until an accident occurs.
Looking For Alaska shows how life truly is through the eyes of a teenager. The story is very realistic and has events that occur in real life. John Green adding this realistic effect within the story makes it relatable to the readers and attracts them to read more. This also can teach the readers lessons for situations they have not faced yet and how to avoid certain problems. Looking For Alaska was also easy to read and follow along with. The fluidity for the story helps the reader be drawn into the story and forget about their own problems and start to ponder the characters situation instead. Overall, this was an amazing book and I would recommend reading this intriguing story to find out the twists and difficult situations that these teens face for yourselves.


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