The Fault in Our Stars by John green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John green

May 1, 2014
By ambauer1 BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
ambauer1 BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Fault in Our Stars Review

The Fault in Our Stars, a novel by John Green is a “cannot put down book.” Even if your life doesn’t relate to the characters and you aren’t battling the challenges they are, you feel their pain. Hazel is a sixteen year old girl, battling lung cancer, who cannot seem to find the energy to leave her house or her favorite show, America’s Next Top Model. One day, when being forced to attend support group, a boy named Augustus Walters finds a way to bring her out of her shell, add some excitement to her life and even a pinch of romance. With Augustus in remission and Hazel still battling, they find ways to make their own adventures together. A beautiful friendship is formed, with ups and downs, but never falling apart.

John Green catches your attention in a more emotional way. I would be lying if I were to say I didn’t shed a tear. Coming from person who dreads reading, I honestly couldn’t make myself put The Fault in Our Stars down. It is an easy read that draws you in. In one review stated by X. October, in his opinion, it lacked realism to real life. It was unreasonable that two teenagers dealing with Cancer can be so intelligent with their thinking and conversations. I disagree with this particular review, just because they have cancer and that takes away from one on one learning time at school, that doesn’t mean they have to be illiterate. While reading and following this book, I was easily able to create an image of what is being told in my head. It appealed to multiple senses within the book. I was able to create this “movie” in my head that follows the book and the look of the characters. I could hear what I would imagine what they would sound like, and make up what they would look like just based on description within the novel.

The Fault in Our Stars is one hundred percent a must read, put it on the top of your list and I promise you will not be disappointed. You will laugh, cry, experience a little bit confusion, and shock but I guarantee that you will not put this book down. It opens a whole new meaning to “capturing the reader.”

The author's comments:
I loved reading this book, beautifully written and captures all of your senses. Five stars.


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