Night by Elie Wiesel | Teen Ink

Night by Elie Wiesel

December 4, 2008
By Anonymous

Night is a meaningful story about the acts of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis to a boy's family and, how this young boy and family struggles through the event. This absolutely interested me and made me read. As my eyes sprinted over the words in this book I began to feel the characters pain and emotions. This spiritual story follows a 12 yr old boy Elie Wiesel whose life has been circling around a terrible blurred memory of the tragedy's of the slaughtered Jews. It is a written drama that grabs your heart and keeps you turning the pages. This story is set during the year of the Holocaust around the late 1940's. The Germans killed nearly 6 million Jews due to hatred. Although this book was grim at times, I finished it feeling like it had somehow taught me many things about life. Reading “Night” was worth every minute, and I believe that you'll think so too.


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