Insurgent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Insurgent by Veronica Roth

May 6, 2014
By Anonymous

When I read Insurgent the second book of the Divergent series, I felt excited and hurt at some points. I would really recommend this amazing book to people. It will catch you on, but you have to read the first book, to know what’s going on. It is a series of realistic fiction.

Insurgent has many different characters but the three most common is a 16 yr. old girl named Tris Prior. She is brave, kind, strong, and she.... is Divergent. Divergence mean she belongs to more than one faction. A faction decides where you are and what you are for the rest of your life. Tobias/Four is her boyfriend and he is also Divergent. He only has 4 fears which is extremely rare for someone and Tris has 6. So She is trying to escape from Jeanine Matthews, the wretched, old and mean antagonist.Tris is running away from her faction with Tobias to go and try to stop Jeanine. Tris and Tobias are going to go get help from other factions. But all of the people EXCEPT the Divergent, are under a simulation. A simulation is where people get injected with a serum and they are now under mind control by Jeanine Matthews. Although they are told lies.

This book has romance, action, and suspense. This book will have you like a fish on a HOOK. There are also many twists and turns in this story, but once again, you have to read the first one to understand the second. I would definitely recommend this book to all kinds of people and they will love it as much as I did.

The author's comments:
I loved the first book, Divergent and I absolutely wanted to read the second book. I loved it even better.

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