Game (book 1) by Anders de la Motte | Teen Ink

Game (book 1) by Anders de la Motte

May 7, 2014
By Anonymous

When it comes to reading a good crime book, there are many ways to go. Most of the time, crime stories are great but there is always a bad one. Game, by Anders de la Motte, is not that one book. In fact, it happens to be one of the best that I have read.

Game, is no doubt a great, fast, and easy read. Anders de la Motte does a great job on catching the reader within the first few pages. Once into the story it is basically impossible to drop the book. The reader always wants more, and the story never looses its pace. One technique that the author uses to catch the reader in this manner is the change of perspective amongst two characters. He goes back and forth between the perspectives of the protagonist Henrik Patterson, and his sister Rebecca. He stays with one perspective for about half a chapter. The magic happens during the transition. He changes right when something interesting is about to happen which creates cliffhangers. That makes the reader want to go through the other characters section as fast as possible to know what happens. Because this is repeated for every change of perspective, it is a constant loop of wanting to know what happens. This back and forth change is one of the reasons what why this book is so interesting and such a fast read.

Another reason why this book is so interesting is the plot itself. The plot is some sort of realistic fiction. The reader knows that the story is obviously not real, but at the same time, what happens in the book could indeed happen. The plot is about HP finding a phone in a train which incorporates him into a game that invites you to do crimes for pay. That could easily happen in today’s world, and has probably happened to some extent. It is not a real story but it has the potential to be. Because the story is a bit of a reflection of reality, it causes the reader to have more interest and it makes it a fast read.

This book is not only good because it happens to be a fast read with an interesting plot. Anders de la Motte has a great writing style. He chooses to use common language, and even slang for all three of the books of the trilogy. Especially in this book, slang is vividly present. There is a constant use of curse words, and graphic descriptions. That is why this book is for young adults, and I would not recommend it for anyone younger than thirteen years of age. Because it has such and accessible language, it is an easy to understand and clear read. The only thing that sometimes affects clarity is that change of perspectives. Those rapid changes of character perspective can cause the reader to get a bit confused, but it does not ruin the clarity. The reader may have to go back and reread a page but nothing serious. This is no Shakespeare play.

Game is a recommendable book for young adults or anyone who likes a good crime book. The story will leave the reader wanting more, and therefore will devour this book, and the following two. Game is a fast and easy read with great plot twists. Go grab your copy now!

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