The Always War by Margret Peterson Haddix | Teen Ink

The Always War by Margret Peterson Haddix

May 8, 2014
By Lindsey Baker BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Lindsey Baker BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Gideon Thrall is perceived as the new hero. But he disagrees with that, he calls himself a coward and would not willingly accept his medal. As this is happening Tessa is watching him but after he runs off she decides to follow him and from there everything went downhill.

Personally, I would not recommend this book for someone like myself. I am an average reader and enjoy things that are easily understood. This book did not have these qualities. The events were all jumbled up and went by really fast. The author did not spend much time describing events and taking time on certain things that seemed important to me. While everything is going by so fast I can't really pick out what is happening so I get confused a lot. But this is just for me. If the author would have a taken a longer time on the events and put more detail on the story I would enjoy this book a lot more.

I have another issue with this book. There is no foreshadowing at all. This made the scenes and events seem sudden and happening for hardly any reason. With this comes confusion. And as I said earlier this book was very confusing to me. Since there was barely any foreshadowing the events seem to come fast and go away very quickly. If the events don't take time bigger problems won't start occurring so there will be no conflict or solution in the story. In stories there has to be problems or there will not a plot or storyline to follow.

One thing I did like was the characters. Gideon was very mysterious. He isn't like most characters in books because he acts very different and gets angry often. In the book there are many situations that he acts very differently than the others because of his attitude. Then there's Tessa who is very loving to a boy who she hasn't even seen since they were little kids. She stands up for Gideon and protects him without a reason which is very different in my eyes.

Overall I would not recommend this book for anyone who is not a very fluent and fast pace reader because it will confuse you. But if you are I would go for it. I think that if I would go back and read it slower the story would make more sense to me. Any ways I would still not recommend for anyone it just doesn't make much sense at all. All the events are bundled up and they go by way too fast for me.

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