Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard | Teen Ink

Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard

May 8, 2014
By Amanda Austin BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Amanda Austin BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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What if you were being targeted by an unknown mysterious person who was an enemy of your “dead” best friend? This Pretty Little Liars book will have you hanging on the edge of your seat begging for more. This book is about 4 girls from Rosewood, Pennsylvania, Spencer, Emily, Hanna, and Aria. These girls used to be best friends with Alison, who disappeared last year. They are being stalked by a person named “A”.

Sara Shepard is the author. She does a great job of making you feel that you are a part of this story. When they laughed you laughed, when they cried you cried. Sara Shepard does such a great job on the theme, that you feel you are in the story with the girls. This story is so epic and thrilling about Secrets and Friendship and Mystery. The problem is that they are being stalked by someone and that they can’t figure out who “A” is. The thought that “A” was this girl named Mona because she was always jealous of Ali and the girls, but then they found out that it wasn’t when they got a text from “A” threatening them, and Mona was standing right there. So it couldn’t have been Mona.

I was on my edge of my seat during the whole book, but when they were on the roof and they had “A” trapped. Then “A” was about to reveal him/herself. Then he/she jumped off the roof and I was so surprised and I felt like I was right there with them. The mystery of this book keeps you reading. Once you start, you can’t stop because Sara Shepard gives you so much detail, but she also doesn’t because she wants you to keep reading to find out who “A” is.

I loved when Sara Shepard, the author, gave the reader Foreshadowing. Throughout the whole book they gave you hints and clues about what is happening. I loved the statement that the author was trying to teach us. I think that anyone who is looking for a mystery, drama, friendship, type of book, then you would really love this book. The statement was that, “When you have the chance, do it. Because you never know if you will ever have the chance again.” That statement just makes so much sense to me. This book is not for kids under 12 because it has some language in it that they should read about.

This book is really enjoyable for anyone over 12 because it has lots of drama and mystery and it just keeps you reading. this novel has a lot of surprises in it which keeps you on the edge of your seat, wanting more. This series has twelve books. I have read all of them and they were all amazing. Really quick easy books to read, but some bad language. The first book in the series has 292 pages and it is called Pretty Little Liars. I highly suggest that you read this book!

The author's comments:
Great Book! You will love It!

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