Stepping Up by Mark Fink | Teen Ink

Stepping Up by Mark Fink

May 14, 2014
By SkylarNewman BRONZE, Cincinati, Ohio
SkylarNewman BRONZE, Cincinati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Stepping Up” by Mark Fink was an outstanding book! There were so many pages that kept me on the edge of my seat. I strongly dislike to read, but this book definitely changed the way I think about books! Honestly I would recommend this to people who like basketball or play basketball. If you know nothing about basketball, then you may not understand. The imagery is amazing, so I would also recommend this to people who can puzzle the scenes together. I had a great time reading this book.

“Stepping up” is about a young boy named Ernie Dolan, who stutters, he’s shy, he is very average. Ernie Dolan and his friend Mike go to a camp. This year they are going to a basketball camp. As they are there, a lot of blood pumping scenes take place. Ernie Dolan is on the road to finding out who he truly is.

Every page I flipped the story intensified. Each scene would keep me on the edge of my seat, or would give me goosebumps. I loved every second of this book. Even the introduction was engaging. I wish I was the genius who wrote this book.

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