The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan | Teen Ink

The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan

June 12, 2014
By kkenb1501 SILVER, Minneapolis, Minnesota
kkenb1501 SILVER, Minneapolis, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Overall, I enjoyed this book. It had many exciting moments and was very fast-paced. I really appreciated all the references to Greek Mythology that were strewn about. I didn't quite comprehend all of them as I'm not a huge Greek Mythology fanatic, but I still appreciated it. I liked how everything took place in the real-world. Much like Harry Potter, there is a magical realism quality to it. There were also many attempts at humor. For the most part, I enjoyed it but other times it was far too overdone. I understand this is a children's book, yet there were a few moments when I just thought comedy was inappropriate based on the situation. It was intended for comic relief but took away from the gravity of the situation the characters were in. Another criticism of the book I have is that the characters lacked depth. I didn't feel a strong connection to any of them. There wasn't much for emotion in them. The dialogue amongst friends was just that. It lacked real conviction. They were very one-dimensional. Despite all this, I did enjoy the plot of the story. I just feel as though this book could've been about 100 pages longer.


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