The Host | Teen Ink

The Host

December 16, 2008
By Anonymous

In a hundred years, what will the world be like? Will we all have evolved into something different? Will we have died off from a disease? Will aliens have taken over our minds, bodies, and earth? Yes, it's a scary thing, the future, but Stephenie Meyer makes it an intense and interesting experience in her novel The Host.
In the future, alien “souls” have invaded the planet and used humans as their hosts. In attempt to save the man she loves and her brother, Melanie was captured and used as a Host for Wander: the soul her body was given to. Melanie refuses to fade away like most humans do; instead she bonds with Wander and fills her subconscious with images of Jared, the man she loves. The want Melanie has for Jared creates a love for Wander and then embark on a dangerous journey to find him.
The book emphasizes the importance of family and love, while, at the same time creates a haunting could-be of the future. It's amazing to see what Wander and Melanie are thinking at the same time but I wish that Meyer would explain the soul species more. It's interesting to see what's going on in her mind because she has such a remarkable view on the world. From the first page The Host has captured my attention and kept me wondering until the very end. The very essence of the impressions the book suggests makes me wonder how we will end up? This book brings the truth of what mankind is into our thoughts whether it be good, bad, or a little of both.


This article has 1 comment.

*LMS* said...
on Dec. 18 2008 at 2:38 am
omg. amazing holy crap. this is so good. im reading the book right now :] haha.