Collected Poems by Edgar Allan Poe | Teen Ink

Collected Poems by Edgar Allan Poe

August 1, 2014
By tallis7 SILVER, Sandy Hook, Connecticut
tallis7 SILVER, Sandy Hook, Connecticut
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing is impossible! The word itself says 'I'm possible!'" ~Audrey Hepburn

Edgar Allan Poe’s “Collected Poems” is a compilation of great intricity, gloom, and elaboration that twists and turns much like ivy on the side of a home: elegant and awe inspiring, but also leaving deep indentations on the abode. Poe seems to cloak everything in a bitter air, out in the open for anyone, and everyone, to see. Some things are hard to grasp, but others seem to spark a flame of connection. For example, Poe wrote a poem about a dream he had had, saying “In visions of the dark night/I have dreamed of joy departed;/But awaking dream of life and light/Hath left me broken-hearted” (Poe 43). It’s very relatable and easy to forge a connection to; everyone has mornings (or even afternoons) where it’s almost painful to leave the realm of dreams in order to return to reality.

The author's comments:
This was a brief review of Poe's work for my English classwork.


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