Twilight | Teen Ink


December 17, 2008
By Jessica Cox PLATINUM, Dexter, Michigan
Jessica Cox PLATINUM, Dexter, Michigan
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I just didn't want to put the book down, it's almost addicting. Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer, is one of the greatest books I've ever read. Even my sister loved it so much that she stole my book from me.
If I were a vampire and my friends blood type was sort of like my own brand of heroine, I would too be temped to drink her blood. I can understand Edward's position being friends with Bella. I would feel slightly awkward too. The novel, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer is about a family of vampires and Edward's girlfriend, Bella. Bella's blood type is the type of blood that Edward, the vampire, pretty much can't resist. He, Edward has to find a way to protect Bella from other evil vampires out there. Also protect her from him. And overtime her relationship with Edward grows stronger and stronger but yet stranger and stranger. What will happen to Edward and Bella's relationship in the end?
Twilight, the very entertaining book kept me from some of my favorite television shows. I just couldn't put the book down! How it's so descriptive, creative and visual. Descriptive in so many ways, when Bella's thinking I like how Meyer uses so visual words and you can completely tell what she's thinking. It's so clear. Creative also in many ways. It's amazing how she thought of this book from a dream. She had a dream about Edward and Bella and Edwards family and then she woke up so she wrote the book because she wanted to know what happened to the family of vampires. When Meyer was having Bella think and the conversations she makes people in the book have you can really imagine that you were right there in front of the whole thing going on. Now Twilight is one of my favorite books ever and Stephenie Meyer is one of my favorite authors ever.


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