War Horse | Teen Ink

War Horse

December 17, 2008
By Anonymous

I know a book about a drastic love for a horse. It is War Horse by Michael Morpurgo.. Morpurgo has made this wonderful detailed book that has and interest to just about all readers. It is about a love for an animal and how only one horse can change so many lives.

Albert is a young boy who lives on a farm with his dad and mother. The time is set during world war one. Albert's dad buys a foal at the market. Foal grows and becomes a priced horse. Families loose money because of the war and have to sell Joey to the war Albert is only 17 and can't go with him. Joey is very confused at this time and could have used a friendly face that he already knows.
I love this book. Morpurgo has a very good way of describing how things may have felt. It feels as if you were in the war as the horse. I liked the love in the book. There was always someone loving someone or caring for someone. If the whole world were like some of the characters in this book it would be a perfect world. I would recommend it to people that have a love for animals or young readers who have dreamed of there own horse, people are already into horses may enjoy this book also. Because for almost all riding types Joey is a perfect horse. I suggest that every one reads this book because it is wonderful and will intrigue all minds. I really like this book it makes me think about how the war was, and how difficult it must have been to live during this time.


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