Slam by Walter Dean Myers | Teen Ink

Slam by Walter Dean Myers

December 17, 2008
By Anonymous

Greg has to deal with a lot of things: grades, basketball, girls, a new school, and his grandma has cancer. Slam is a great book, it is a masterpiece of literature. Greg, a high school student at Lameir Arts, is a star basketball player. He is so amazing that he earned a nickname of “Slam” Greg lives in the ghettos of New York with his younger brother and his mother. His best friend is Charles (A.K.A. Ice) and his girlfriend, Keisha (KICKY). The kid can't put down the basketball, he will have to put down the ball if he does not put his grades back up. Meanwhile his best friend Ice, is selling drugs. He has a good future in basketball. Now he has to stop Ice and put his grades up. All I am trying to say is that SLAM is a heart-pounding thriller that will keep you edged on your seat reading.

Firstly, I think Slam will go to the top of the NBA (National Basketball Association). As the reader I think that Slam will go to the top and if you read this you could too. I cannot even stress how superior he is in the sport. From dribbling, shooting, height, and communication, he has it all. Basically he is unstoppable, however his grades are slowing him down. His grades are really bad, for example he keeps getting a 34 on his English class. Plus his friend, Ice, is selling drugs to other students because he needs the money. Trust me, you would feel bad if you got a 34 on your test or your best friend is selling drugs

Slam, the kid who is also really good at art, he can draw anything he wants and good to, that's the only reason he got accepted to Latmeir arts. But he had to quit because he had no time for homework. So he had to choose between ball and art he obviously chose ball. Why did he do that? How is that going to affect him? What is going to happen next? These are the kind of questions I ask my self every day after reading this book. This kind of book keeps you asking questions and then answers them for you. I don't know about you but I love those kind of books. If you like those kind of books read Slam.

The word “what” echoes down the hall as you read slam then you turn the page, and you get a nice relaxing, “oooh”. This the kind of reactions you get when you read slam I said this before, but I can't stress how much times I have said this when I was reading this book. I mean theres the fight, the drugs, the break ups, and the make ups and theirs many more than that. Now I'm tired of telling you to read this book I'm ordering you to read this book and you'll thank me. Then you'll see what I'm talking about. Then you'll see that I was right. So go right now and get slam you will not regret it.

In conclusion, Slam is a great heart pounding thriller. How many times do I have to say that to get it through your thick skull. Also, it's a winner of the Coretta Scott King award. That's how good it is. If you don't have Slam by now you obviously haven't listening to me. Slam equals making the shot every time. I don't read a lot, but when I picked up this page turner I couldn't keep my eyes off of it. Thats how affective it is. Slam is a masterpiece of literature.


This article has 4 comments.

Pvt Reader said...
on Aug. 31 2009 at 8:48 pm
hmmm, nice summary, although i don't think some of the things u put in the work, was in the book. for exp.- quoting from your work "Slam, the kid who is also really good at art, he can draw anything he wants and good to"

just because he have drawn Mtisha, doesnt mean he can draw anything he wants to and good.

lOV3 . said...
on Apr. 1 2009 at 12:50 am
this book is great .

i love it so much !


kl3000 said...
on Jan. 7 2009 at 9:22 pm
Yo, this is some awesome piece of work. You really should apply more work. Details were great. Awesome

fbf said...
on Dec. 23 2008 at 9:11 pm
i love this review i was puuled in with so much info but not to much