Cujo: The #1 Best-Seller by Stephen King | Teen Ink

Cujo: The #1 Best-Seller by Stephen King

August 31, 2014
By Anonymous

His bite is worse than his bark- Stephen King has created yet another masterpiece! The best-selling novel titled Cujo by Stephen King has received many good remarks and reviews from people who have read the book. It is a best-selling book, not uncommon with the works of Stephen King. You should buy this book because of its thrilling moments and its scary plot.

Many people have read this story and enjoyed it. If you are looking for a scary book that will keep you filled with suspense, then this is a book that people would choose. People all across the world could find this novel interesting and enjoying. I would not recommend this to people who own a dog, because the book is centered around a dog. You will also find action in Cujo, so if you like action, this might be a good book for you.

In Cujo, King uses a perspective where he knows everything about all of the characters. He uses a monotonous tone, which means he uses one tone the entire book. There are no exclamation marks, except when the characters use exclamations. King is very informative in the novel, so you get a lot of knowledge from him. The information that he provides is very helpful; you can use the information to help you understand the events of the story better.

The novel contains many aspects, including a frightening and suspenseful plot. The character list for Cujo is an odd and interesting one with a handful of weird characters. The plot is a little bit slow to develop, so you have to be patient. When it does get interesting, you will be scared beyond your wildest dreams. It is a bit difficult to understand at times, because King goes in-depth about marketing and business. There is also profanity and some lewd scenes in the book, so adolescents should probably not be reading this.

So why should you read this roman á clef? Well, if you read this review thoroughly and were interested in reading Cujo, then you should strongly consider purchasing it. I hope all book-readers everywhere could enjoy this novel as much as I did. It contains many great aspects, so get this now!


The author's comments:

I was inspired by the pure genius that is Stephen King. I am a large fan of his, and I hope to read all of his books at some point. I hope that other people can recognize how truly amazing King's work is, and they can enjoy his books as much as I do.

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