The Journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty | Teen Ink

The Journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty

December 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Patrick was in Vietnam fighting in the marines stationed on top of hill 861 South. He had been fighting a lot and had been hit several times In the legs. The book this is from is The Journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty. Written by Ellen Emerson White.

Patrick is in the marines and is 18 years old. The year is 1968 and Patrick is in Vietnam. Patrick is stationed in Vietnam for 386 days, compared to the 365 days that the army volenteers serve in the army. He meets several friends in his company and a lot of them get sent home in bags. Eventually after 386 days in Vietnam, Patrick gets to go home on a plane.

I loved this book because it just hooked me in from the beginning. It is from the soldiers eyes as he writes in his journal. His journal describes in great detail and it is as if you are in the story and action with him. The main characters name is Patrick and you read his journal as he writes it. With the detail that he writes it in you can see a crystal clear picture of what is happening. I would recamend this to anyone who likes intriguing books with lots of details.


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