The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

November 20, 2014
By Anonymous

Hazel is an ordinary 16 year old girl diagnosed with lung cancer, and attends supporting a group. Then meets the love of her life Augustus Waters he gets ill. What tragic moment happens?

The Fault In Our Stars is a book for Children/Teenagers (Grades-6-12) because it’s a medium sized book and it has some foul language in some parts, so check to make sure it’s okay with Mom and/or dad. Also if you’re into drama, Romance then “The Fault In Our Stars” would be a terrific book for you. Hazel is a 16 year old Girl who is diagnosed with Lung Cancer who has Trouble Breathing so she struggles carrying around a oxygen tank WHERE EVER SHE GOES! Also her parents make her go to this supportive system just to get out of the house, and its different teenagers who have different types of cancers and she gets to see their stories of how they’re handling them. So as one friend she meets, has a very different special story that seems to interest everyone, he has leukemia that eventually the doctor said he will lose his eye sight. Then its Hazels turn and she tells her story about diagnosed with Lung cancer, when she became 12 years old, one night she told she woke up not being able to breathe and they took her to the emergency room and found out she has “Lung Cancer”. So now its Augustus Waters turn and he has had cancer and he lost his leg and he enjoys his life, and Hazel Grace asks Augustus Waters why he had a cigarette and he says he likes to do it for fun he’s never lit one in his life before.

The Fault In Our Stars is written in First Person, because Hazel Grace is the main character and she’s one of the Narrator’s. Also with so much detail the author has given its like as if your there because he tells so much of “show don’t tell” and that’s good so you can understand what's  happening and/or have a good connection. The author’s writing is very affectionate and it’s very powerful I’ve never had cancer but it’s such a very connecting because I’ve had family members with Breast cancer, even lung cancer. The strengths of this book are you only live once so be happy what God has gifted you and what you have proceeded with.  The weaknesses are loving someone that you know that doesn’t love you back. Also my overall experience with this book was great as I thought it would be as told by friends and as seen on TV, I found it pretty interesting , why? Because it’s what our relationships are now we want a man loyal, loving & even better caring. Another thing I found is that it’s very motivational because when she got sick he had been there for her and he gained her confidents because she always about getting very sick and dying. Then when she found out he gotten sick she tended to be  there by his side almost 24/7 morning till night.

The impression the book left me with will be to always appreciate what you have and cherish family and friends because tomorrow will not be promised for anyone. What I want the reader to know is that this book is AMAZING if you’re trying to find that someone you need to know the techniques before you rush anything. Also make sure you have a box of tissues with you because this book/movie has some very emotional things such as being very sweet then sad.

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