A Child Called It by David Pelzer | Teen Ink

A Child Called It by David Pelzer

November 20, 2014
By calitharpe BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
calitharpe BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Child Called It / Dave Pelzer
Omaha Press, 1995, 160  pp
Non – fiction

You are nothing; your life has no meaning. You hear that every day from the person who should love most. Mom’s mental and physical abuse has made you guess second your whole life.

“It “has a name, David. David is just a little boy. Who is beaten and starved. David has three brothers who all get treated like regular kids, David is just the exception. The sad part is that he’s beaten by his own mother. David’s dad doesn’t agree but doesn’t have it in him to fight the power of his wife.  Sleeping in the basement with hardly any clothes on is the least of his problems. Try being the smartest kid in the school but nobody gives you the time of day because you stink and wear the same clothes every day. David’s hope and positive attitude is what really got him threw it.
The child called it was written in first person. I felt like I was David’s only friend and he was telling me everything, step by step. The detail in this book was beyond amazing. I hated David’s mom just as much as he did.
I adore this book. This book had great detail. “A sharp pain erupted from just above my stomach. I tried to remain standing, but my legs gave out, and my world turned black. “After reading this book I felt extremely blessed, I have great parents. I would recommend this book to everyone for the simple fact that this book really makes you think. This book brought a lot of emotion out, that’s why I really loved it because not a lot of books can do that. I would love to watch an interview of David or his family.


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