No Choir Boy by Susan Kuklin | Teen Ink

No Choir Boy by Susan Kuklin

November 20, 2014
By JasonIllescas BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
JasonIllescas BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

No Choir Boy/ Susan Kuklin
R. R. & Sons, 2008, 236pp.


The years before 2006, you make a big mistake; you’ll suffer a bigger consequence than going to jail. Instead you’re going to be sentenced to death. That’s an abomination!

There are a lot of bad people on the streets and like the people in this story telling their stories on their childhood life and how they ended up on death row. Each set of chapters tell different stories. The first chapter that was “I was a teenager on death row” was the most interesting chapter in my opinion because there was a main character named Roy and he was a young teenager that had a strict life and only had on girlfriend. ”My girlfriend, Jackie, she was white. She was my only official girlfriend.” “Couldn’t even play with a water gun, a BB gun.”  He barely had enough time to hang out with his friends. Also one night he was drunk and high, then he shot a friend named Kevin and noticed he made a terrible mistake. Later was caught and went to trial then was sentenced to death. He went to prison on death row. That was the first chapter mostly of Roy telling his story of how he ended up on death row. The author Susan Kuklin made a significant book.

The story I read No Choir Boy is a thrilling book to read and is a first person point of view because each chapter is a different character but tells us in first person. “I learned over the years.”  This quote was in first person. The author did well on giving us lots of information on telling us all the different characters lives. Also the author informed us that if you make a bad choice, you earn a bad consequence. 

So this is a fantastic book because of having a different character in each chapter of the book. Also sentencing prisoners to death and leaving them on death row. And each of them has an interesting background of how they ended up on death row. Then telling their childhood memories and some of them are sad memories or a joyful memory. And the book tells us that not everybody is a good, and a loyal person. There are ad people out there that make mistakes and end their selves on death row.

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