The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan | Teen Ink

The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan

November 24, 2014
By Anonymous

The Blood of Olympus

    Although Rick Riordan has written many books, none have been as breath-taking or page turning as “The Blood of Olympus”.

    If you haven’t read any of Rick Riordans books, I’ll give you the low-down.  There are gods, demigods or half-bloods, and mortals.  Demigods or half-bloods, same thing, are half god and half mortal.  In “The Blood of Olympus” the writer, Rick Riordan, uses roman and greek gods.  In some of his other books he uses egyptian gods.  Mortals are of course normal people.  There are also a lot of giants in this book, and many others that Rick Riordan has written.  “The Blood of Olympus” is part of a series called the Heros of Olympus.  By the way, Olympus is the place where most of the gods live.     The Heros of Olympus connects with the first series, I know, two series?  The first series is called the Percy Jackson Series and it connects with the Heros of Olympus series because they have some of the same characters.

    “The Blood of Olympus” is part action part love story all in one.  The action part has fighting, poison, and fatal wounds.  The characters encounter deadly monsters such as dog headed men, two headed men, and evil grain spirits.  As for the love story part, there are four couples, most lack integrity and keep secrets. 

There are many reasons why I loved “The Blood of Olympus”.  There are different perspectives of different people.  So different people narrate the story.  There is a reason behind that method of storytelling.  One group of people are in Rome and another group of people are on the other side of the world.  Another reason why I liked this book is because of the voice Rick Riordan uses such as snarky remarks and dumb jokes. 

As you can see “The Blood of Olympus” is an amazing piece of literature that everyone should read.

“Seven half-bloods shall answer the call,

To storm or fire the world must fall,

An oath to keep with a final breath,

And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death”.


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