Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton | Teen Ink

Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton

December 4, 2014
By Caitlyn Judd BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Caitlyn Judd BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  Ethan Frome was a young man in his early 30’s. He lost his mother and father. His wife, Zeena who he had married after his mom’s death, was his mother’s caregiver. After his mother died Zeena became ill. Zeena’s cousin, Mattie, came to live with them. Not long after Mattie came to live with them, Ethan took her to a church picnic. While they were there, Ethan found Mattie’s missing gold locket. Within a year Mattie and Ethan fell desperately in love with each other. Their feelings were mutual but they never actually expressed them openly. They mainly blushed when they passed by each other.  When Zeena went to go see a doctor in Bettsbridge, the doctor told her that she needed surgery and that she should not be doing house work. So the doctor told her to get a hired-girl. That became a problem. Zeena wanted to send Mattie away so she can get the hired-girl she sent for. Ethan did not approve of this decision; they didn’t have the money, nor did he want Mattie to leave. The next day Mattie had to leave. Ethan decided to take Mattie to the station himself instead of Jotham. On the way Ethan took detours to stop at some of the places they went to throughout the year. He stooped where they went to the picnic at. When they were near the station, Ethan decided to take Mattie sledding. She loved it. Just before they left to get to the station, Mattie got an idea to solve their problem about leaving each other. Her idea was to slide down the mountain and hit the big Elm tree. So they got on the sled and…..
   The theme of Ethan Frome, was isolation and the fear of loneliness. “a part of the mute melancholy landscape, an incarnation of its frozen woe, with all that was warm and sentient in him fast bound below the surface…in a depth of moral isolation too remote for casual access” (Edith Wharton pg. 14).
    My favorite character would be Ethan. I chose him because he tries his best to support Mattie, himself, and Zeena. I could also relate to him because I try my best to help my family in any way I could.
   Ethan Frome is a fantastic classic novel. My favorite part was when Ethan and Mattie went star gazing. My least favorite part was when Zeena wanted Mattie to leave. If I could change anything in the novel I would change the section when Ethan thought about leaving Zeena for Mattie. I would change it to him actually leaving Zeena for Mattie.
  I would recommend this novel because it is like a roller coaster. It starts out happen then becomes thrilling. Then when you get towards the ending its starts the opposite effect and becomes sad and sadder.  I recommend this book to anyone who likes sad love stories.

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